Saturday, April 17, 2010

AHDI Power of 10 Campaign

I'm writing today to share some thoughts on the AHDI Power of 10 Campaign, and why it's important to all of us.

The Power of 10 Campaign was started with one purpose - to raise funds to retain our lobbying firm, Dewey Square Group. This year at the AHDI/MTIA Advocacy Summit, I realized how much of an impact our lobbying efforts have made on lawmakers, and Dewey Square Group (DSG) can be credited with much of this impact. We have some GREAT members who are very active and are working to make our voice heard. However, DSG has acted as a giant "megaphone." They have connections in DC that would take us years to develop.

AHDI is very quickly running out of funds for this project, and donations to the Power of 10 Campaign go directly to funding our lobbying activities with DSG. If you haven't donated (or even if you have), I urge you to contribute $10 to this very important initiative. This campaign is not just for AHDI members. All professionals working in healthcare documentation are urged to contribute. The lobbying efforts being funded by this campaign are beneficial to the entire industry.

Thank you for your time!